Research Programs

Cell and Molecular Biology

All about the molecules within the cells, how they interact and their role in cellular and body functions. Coordinator: Miguel Ángel Valverde.

Molecular and Medicine Programme

Deciphering the molecular mechanisms that underlie physiological pathways and the diseases associated with them. Coordinator: José Ayté

Evolutionary Biology and Complex Systems

Interdisciplinary groups focused on the study of the processes and mechanisms generating all aspects of the diversity of life, especially the ones related to its complexity. The entities under study cover a wide range of natural and artificial elements from single genes, molecules, pathways, cells and genomes to organisms, populations, species, and whole ecosystems. Coordinator: David Comas

Biomedical Informatics

A joint research program with IMIM-Hospital del Mar Research Institute that carries out fundamental research and technological developments on the application of advanced information technologies and computational methods in the health and life sciences. Coordinator: Ferran Sanz

Genetics and Neurosciences

The scientific goal of the GNP is to understand the genetic and molecular basis of the development, function and disease of the Nervous System. Coordinator: Rafael Maldonado

Systems Bioengineering

Engineering matters to solve complex biological questions through modelling and experimental processes leading to the generation of knowledge and products such as sustainable advanced medical/environmental technologies. Coordinator: Pilar Rivera.

Transversal Program

This programme encompasses the study of occupational and environmental health determinants, education in health sciences, and science communication. Coordinator: Gema Revuelta

Core Facilities

Genomics Unit

Scientific Computing

Peptide Synthesis Unit

Flow Cytometry Unit (UPF-CRG)

Proteomics Unit (UPF-CRG)